Dr Reinwald Ketogenic Recipe


VitalBase Dr Reinwald

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    INTENSE (Phase 1 - complete substituion of dietary protein with MyAMINO®) &

    REGULATE (Phase 2 - partly replacement of dietary protein with MyAmino®)





    Phase 1 - complete substituion of dietary protein with MyAMINO®



    Preliminary note:



    Every weight management or metabolic regulation program mobilizes toxins stored in our fat tissue while breaking down fat cells. In order to maximum support our detoxifying organs like liver, kidneys and lymph, we recommend supplements for a better binding better binding and excretion of these toxins generated during such a program as well as to support our bodies general ability to detox:


    • Mandatory: reduce stress – our detox system doesnt work properly if stressed (QiGong, neurophone, micro current etc.)
    • Mandatory: to support detox add PektiCLEAN®, SulfoCLEAN® and ChitoCLEAN®
    • Mandatory: Acid-Base-Balance/Antioxidants with VitalBASE® and New-H® (2–3 x day)
    • Mandatory: to support colon cleansing add ColoSTABIL® (morning/evening)
    • Optional: initial colon cleansing cure use high dosage ColoSTABIL® + New-H® night with magnesium 





    • Mandatory: 8–10 tablets MyAMINO®
    • Mandatory: 1 teaspoon coconut or palm oil with 125 g Active B®AVO probiotic yogurt (high fat, enriched with 20 g berries or low glycemic load fruits according to the list)
    • Mandatory: 300 ml water, 2 teaspoon ColoSTABIL® + 1–1,5 teaspoon VitalBase®
    • Mandatory: 1 x 2 New-H® day (antioxidants)
    • Mandatory: 1 x 2 SulfoCLEAN® (support for glutathion-detoxmetabolism)
    • Mandatory: 2 h after breakfast 1 x 3 ChitoCLEAN® (binding of lipophilic and hydrophilic toxins in the colon)
    • Optional: tea, black coffee, espresso
    • Optional: vegetable or meat broth or stock with butter, low carb smoothies, miso soup with butter or ghee




    • Mandatory: 8–10 tablets MyAMINO®
    • Mandatory: 1 teaspoon Coconut or Palm Oil
    • Mandatory: 200–300 g fresh veggies oder salad mit lemon/vinegar & oil (please follow the attached list according to the glycemic load)
    • Mandatory: 300 ml water + 1–1,5 teaspoon VitalBase®
    • Mandatory: 1 x 2 New-H® day + 1x2  SulfoCLEAN® 
    • Mandatory: 2 h after lunch 1 x 3  ChitoCLEAN® 
    • Optional: vegetable or meat broth or stock with butter, low carb smoothies, miso soup with butter or ghee





    • Mandatory: 8–10 tablets MyAMINO®
    • Mandatory: 1 teaspoon Coconut or Palm Oil
    • Mandatory: 200–300g fresh veggies or salad with lemon/vinegar & oil (see list)
    • Mandatory: 300 ml water, 2 teaspoon ColoSTABIL® + 1-1,5 teaspoon VitalBase®
    • Mandatory:  1 x 2 SulfoCLEAN® 
    • Optional: vegetable or meat broth or stock with butter, low carb smoothies, miso soup with butter or ghee
    • Mandatory: 2 h after dinner or before sleep1g PektiCLEAN® dissolved in hot water (10 days cure, smokers and people with higher toxic load please use for 20 days cure or longer)





    If youre hungry, please take 3–5 MyAMINO® and drink a lot of water. Dont eat fruit, carbs or sugar outside of the main meals. Long pauses in-between the meals are important in order to allow the pancreas to recover as well as to boost fat metabolism due to low insulin levels which lead to increased ketone levels in the blood. We need low blood sugar levels and low insulin levels in order to get into ketosis.



    Please notice:

    Not fat makes you fat, but carbs (sugars) and even worse carbs together with fat like we find in cakes, donuts, fatty croissants or chips and crackers. If you dont have an intolerance against histamine you can also eat nuts: <30g.





    Phase 2 - partly replacement of dietary protein with MyAmino®



    In contrary to Intense where no dietary protein is allowed and is totally substituted with MyAMINO®, in Regulate we add fish, meat or poultry and replace MyAMINO® with dietary protein in one of the main meals. Best if we do this for lunch, so we can relieve our detox organs liver and kidneys during the night from additional load from cell toxic metabolic waste as well as from glucose coming from the degration of dietary protein. This means we eat only vegetable, salad and 8–10 MyAMINO® during the evening meals, while for lunch we can eat fish, meat or poultry.



    Our main goal is to keep ketosis high (fat metabolism). In order to do so we need to keep our blood sugar and insulin level low.



    This means: we have to

    (1) exercise more

    (2) decrease carbs and sugars

    (3) increase protein, especially with MyAMINO® in order to avoid additional metabolic waste and glucose


    For better navigation we follow a food guide which helps us to choose low carb veggies and fruits with an additional characteristic: a low glycemic load. With MyAMINO® were always on the right site because it almost doesnt deliver any toxic metabolic waste or glucose. This is not the case with nutritional protein. Even good animal protein still can deliver up to 72 % of nitrogen catabolites while plant protein can provide even up to 90 %. For details see the table: comparison of  MyAMINO® to other dietary protein with respect to NAV and metabolic waste.






    The vegetables and fruits most appropriate for our metabolic regulation program are listed in the table on the following pages. Fruits not listed below should only be chosen according to the amount of glycemic load and within the general low carb regime which can differ according to your overall aims. For more details about glycemic load look in the internet. The carbohydrate amount should be between 30 g and 100 g/day depending on your general purposes and metabolic type.



    The generation of energy in a ketogenic diet is predominantly provided via fat metabolism, means fatty acids and ketones. Our main target is to recover our bodies ability for ketolysis (efficient breakdown of ketones for energy use) – as well as in the muscle tissue as in the brain. Thus we have to carefully look after compensatory sources for energy which can replace carbs as a fuel. Best choice are MCT oils – Middle Chain Triglycerides – listed also in the table below.



    Depending on your purposes the intake of the amount of fats can vary whether youre interests are in weight management:


    Weight loss or increasing weight for cachectic persons; regulation of blood sugar and insulin resistance in diabetics; purification or detox or even patients with Alzheimer Diseases. In weight loss programs as well as in some other diets, caloric intake also should be restricted, besides going for a ketogenic diet. Overweight or obese people should also reduce their consumption of coconut oil, palm oil and butter or ghee, of course. In these cases we want to reduce our fat tissue for burning energy. However, the overall benefit of MCTs and their special nutritional value as a »superfuel« for the brain has to be taken into consideration as well as long-chained polyunsaturated fatty acids from animal source like DHA and EPA as building blocks for the membranes of the CNS. So dont skip fats to zero on a weight loss program.


    Dr Reinwald Ketogenic Diet PDF



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