BodySculpt-Beautyslim High Intensity Electromagnetic Muscle Trainer


BodySculp is a HI-EMT device designed for aesthetic purposes, having 2(two) applicators with the higher intensity it's cutting-edge technology in non-invasive body contouring, as it not only BURNS FAT but also BUILDS MUSCLE.

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    BodySculpt Muscle Trainer

    Additionally, the treatment requires no anesthesia, incisions, or discomfort. In fact, patients are able to sit back and relax, while the device performs the equivalent of more than 20,000 painless crunches or squats.


    [title text="Working Theory"]

    Hi-EMT(High-Intensity Electromagnetic Muscle Trainer) is the medical technology that is used in aesthetic medicine. It uses a focused electromagnetic field with a safe intensity level. Electro-magnetic field passes non-invasively through the body and interacts with motor neurons which subsequently trigger supramaximal muscle contractions. Non-invasive medical technology that is used for strengthening and re-education of BodySculpt Muscle Trainer via interaction of the magnetic field with the tissue of the patient.
    Contrary to voluntary muscle contractions, the supramaximal contractions are independent of brain function. The HI-EMT uses a specific range of frequencies that do not allow muscle relaxation between two consecutive stimulations.


    [title text="Benefits of Cellusculpt"]

    1. Lying Down for 30 Minutes = 5.5 Hours of Exercise
    2. Non-Invasive Treatment with no Discomfort, Painless
    3. 19% Reduction in Fat
    4. 16% Increase in Muscle Mass
    5. No Downtime
    6. Improve confidence in appearance
    7. Noticeable, Natural-Looking results
    8. Simple Operation
    9. Short Treatment Times


    [title text="How Long It Lasts:"]

    The Fat Loss may be permanent, the muscle effects are long-lasting (likely 6 months or longer). After an initial series of 4 treatments, periodic maintenance (every 3 - 6 months) is recommended. Reasonable dietary and exercise habits are also recommended.



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