BioSuperFood F3 Micro Algae 180 caps


BioNutrition BioSuperfood F3

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    BIOSUPERFOOD is the ultimate addition to ANY body's diet! This exclusive blend of bio-algae concentrates (BAC) was formulated in the 1970s after more than a decade of research with over a million animals, in a non-profit environment. With over 5,000 nutrients, BAC contains:

    High-quality protein with ALL essential amino acids
    ALL vitamins, including B12
    Over 92 trace elements and minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, iron, zinc and more
    Mixed carotenoids alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, astaxanthin, lutein, lycopene, quercitin and more
    Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) Omega-3, Omega-6, GLA and more
    Thousands of enzymes to facilitate the assimilation and utilization of nutrients from food
    Nucleic acids needed for effective tissue growth & repair
    Chlorophyll, with its central magnesium ion, plays a significant role in calcium digestion and absorption

    Advanced Support

    BSF formula F3 offers advanced nutritional support for the immune system and increased vitality for healthy aging; it is also recommended as a replacement for some supplements and vitamins and as advanced nutritional support for athletes.

    Benefits studied on Animals per the following link

    All the benefits from Formulas F1 and F2 plus*
    More antioxidants may offer advanced protection and prevention*
    Antioxidant may play a role in reduced inflammation and faster recovery time*
    Support to a more natural long-lasting energy boost*
    May have benefits for increased recuperation and regeneration*
    Antioxidants offer a powerful immune system support*
    Increase calcium absorption and retention preventing osteoporosis
    Balance hormones
    Stimulates and strengthens the immune system
    Enhance growth and tissue repair


    BioAge, BioSuperfood, BioPreparation, Bio-Algae Concentrates The difference in the formulas
    All of the formulas—F1 BASE, F2 CORE, and F3 FORTE—have the same four ingredients: four species of microalgae. The difference lies in the proportion of the red algae species vs. the blue-green algae (spirulina). There is a higher ration of red algae in each subsequently higher number formula. The red algae have most of the carotenoids: astaxanthin, beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, etc. – the antioxidant power that brings about this “fuel efficiency”.


    How to take BioAge, BioSuperFood, BioPreparation, Bio-Algae Concentrates
    Healthy adults generally get the most benefits from a daily intake of anywhere from 3-8 capsules, taken one at a time at regular intervals throughout the day and always with at least 1/2 glass of water. Anyone with acute or chronic health issues or for those concerned with radiation exposure, carbon monoxide poisoning or other issues may want to consume 8-12 capsules per day for optimum results.

    Start off with just 1 or 2 capsules/day for the first 5-10 days, then increase gradually to the optimum intake level for YOUR body. Remember that every body is different, and if you have high blood pressure, thyroid issues, cardiac or other possibly fragile health issues, take an even slower approach, beginning with F2 CORE, and perhaps just a half-capsule at a time. Let your body be your guide! This allows your body to adjust gradually to the increased nutrients and energy. Feel free to contact us for more specific recommendations for you and/or your pet.

    DISCLAIMER: The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Individual results may vary. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a 
    health care professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.



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    Autism Defeated Mission is providing the highest quality nutritional supplements available for Autism. All the products we offer are backed by dedicated, thorough, and extensive research.
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